Ginger Brunette Black Blonde
by Peter Maple
directed by Simon Thomson
Challenging one of our most powerful human experiences, Peter’s poetic words asks ‘how do we honour the past and the person we’re missing without making the pain our future?’
Ginger. Black. Brunette. Blonde. Attempts to investigate the power of love and memory, and the very real danger their effects can have on us all when fuelled by grief.
“A go-to-whoa intriguing piece of Southern Gothic”
Chuck Moore Reviews
The work was developed in partnership with Rogue Projects first as a development at EDGE Sydenham with the support of Inner West Council, before being fully produced in the Rogues Double Bill at FringeHQ Theatre Hub in Sydney in October 2019.
“This spectacular play is a personal and poetic investigation of the power and danger of love”
Weekend Notes
In Maple’s Ginger. Black. Brunette. Blonde. we’re invited into the mind of Sarah, a woman trapped by the memories of a mother she barely got to know, treading water in her daily life and hoping to break free from the grip of her own memories. Visceral, poetic and fraught with contemporary gothic tension, the work is now in development at Rogue Projects for a short film project directed by Chris Elena.
Written by: Peter Maple
Director: Simon Thomson
Producer: Robbi James
Performers: Emily McKnight, Cassidy Maddox, Suz Mawar
Written by: Peter Maple
Director: Simon Thomson
Producer: Robbi James
Associate Producer: Talia Meyerowitz-Katz
Performers: Emily McKnight, Jessie Lancaster, Nell Nakkan
Sound & Lighting Design: Christopher Starnawski
thank you.
This development was made possible with the support of the Inner West Council’s EDGE artistic program.